what color shoe with navy blue dress


This article will go through the different shades of blue that exist in dress colors for your reference. It also touches on how to pair blue shoes with a navy blue dress and how to avoid looking like you're wearing a coat at an event.

Blue is one of the most common colors in fashion and can be found on almost every color, so it's always important to know what shade you have when shopping for dresses. This article will teach you all about color theory, allowing you to better match your attire with the right shade of blue.


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Before you can understand how to match colors with navy blue dresses, it's important to understand color theory. This will allow you to know what colors work best together and what colors clash when worn together.

The Color Wheel is the best tool for understanding how colors work together. It shows all the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors all in one simple chart. In this color wheel chart, primary colors are red, blue, and yellow; secondary colors are those made by mixing two primary colors such as green or orange; and tertiary colors are made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color such as purple or violet.

The two-color wheel gives an example of how to match navy blue dresses with the right shades of blue and how to avoid color clashes. This helps you understand how certain colors work together.

Navy Blue Dresses and Blue Shoes

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Image source: https://www.newbalance.com/

Here are all the shades of blue that can be found on most navy blue dresses that are available in the market today:

Amber- Red or orange shades will look good when paired with navy blue dresses, but they tend to clash with any other shade of blue. You will look mismatched if you pair red or orange shoes with navy blue dresses. It's best to stick with either a dark green or black shoe for color combos.

Light Blue- Pairing light blue shoes with navy blue dresses is easy because they work well together. If you include another color, gray might be a good option. Navy is one of the best colors to pair with light blue because it will work together nicely and create a smooth contrast between the two colors.

Dark Blue- Navy works perfectly with dark blue in terms of simplicity. You can match your navy dress with dark blue shoes that end at the ankle or just below the knee and look great together. Gray will also be a good color to pair with dark navy blue if you want to add a touch of color without going overboard. However, not all shades of dark blue look good with navy, so make sure you've got the right shade before pairing with the color.

Blue- Paired with navy blue dresses, brown shoes are a great option for those who aren't afraid to mix and match colors. They will look great when paired with navy blue dresses that are either light or dark in color. It's best to pair brown shoes with navy dresses that have a lot of lace or other embellishments. White shoes can also be worn when paired with navy blue dresses because they will add a splash of color without taking away from your dress's main body color.


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